Big Data LDN 2024, the UK’s leading data, analytics, and AI event, is less than a week away– promising two days filled with ground-breaking stories, expert insights, and endless innovation.
Taking place at the Kensington Olympia in London on September 18-19, this year’s event features fifteen theaters and over 300 expert speakers sharing insights on some of the industry’s hottest topics – from generative AI to data privacy.
Jovita Tam, a business-focused data/AI advisor/engineer, and dual-qualified attorney (England and Wales, New York) who has been advocating for AI governance and responsible innovation and scaling will once again address the crowd at Big Data LDN 2024. This year her talk will delve into why AI governance is essential.
She has a global track record in delivering change and transformation across organizations, industries, and cultural boundaries through her strategic thinking and tactical expertise.
At Big Data LDN, Jovita will speak at the session How To Get Fired by Ignoring AI Governance on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
Her session is particularly for CDOs & CDAOs, those leading AI Governance, and business executives or product owners with products that might fall within the new European Union Artificial Intelligence Act (“EU AI Act”).
EM360Tech's Shubhangi Dua spoke with Jovita about her role at Big Data LDN and her upcoming session on the crucial role of AI governance. The session will include highlights of the EU AI Act, which came into effect on August 1, 2024.
Shubhangi: Big Data LDN 2024 is just around the corner. What are you most excited about?
Jovita: Reconnecting with friends in the industry in a collaborative setting. I’m excited that many of my friends from all around the world will be flying in for Big Data LDN.
Exchanging ideas and getting inspired, learning about what is working, and what is not working. Trends around value drivers, opportunities, and challenges. I’m also excited about connecting with new people in the community!
Shubhangi: Could you share some insights on your talk about getting fired by ignoring AI Governance and some of the key topics you’ll be exploring during the talk? – the highlights and potentially the aim of the talk.
Jovita: I will be sharing what I have learned and discovered from my experience from the perspective of a multidisciplinary professional (tech/law/change management) on the topic of AI Governance.
The talk will cover why I believe AI Governance is essential (why ignoring it will get us fired/cause some seriously unintended consequences). It will include highlights of what is in the new EU AI Act which came into effect on August 1st, 2024.
The aim is to focus on the most relevant impact and share actionable takeaways, and strategic questions to reflect on. Needless to say, the session is designed for all of us in the community who are interested in better understanding AI governance and what might be next.
Shubhangi: What is the importance of data events within the data community?
Jovita: Space for innovation and collaboration. For the community to connect - knowing that we are not alone. I have talked to so many people, where after a while leading data / AI initiatives within their organization they wonder “Is this just me?” or “Is it just my organization?” Connection with others within the community helps us put things into perspective.
It gives us space to step outside of our daily roles. Attending data events creates space for reflection and growth.
It’s a reminder that we are all human! Data events such as Big Data LDN remind us that we work in a very diverse industry and we need to work hard to maintain this!
Sign up to Big Data LDN 2024 today and be part of the UK’s leading hub for the Data Community to learn and share best practices, build relationships, and find the tools needed to develop an effective data-driven business.
Don’t miss out on Jovita Tam’s session: ‘How To Get Fired by Ignoring AI Governance’ at 14:00 - 14:30 on Wednesday, September 18 over in the X-Axis Keynote Theatre.