A German world leading manufacturer of car parts (for drive and automation technology) improved their SAP monitoring and smart factory operations with Avantra.
How did they create time to build a global smart factory?
SAP underpins the manufacturing output of SEW EURODRIVE. With the Avantra automation engine, they can now predict maintenance activities for the company’s busy production lines. Using SAP data presented from engine and machine sensors, Avantra provides anyone within the business the ability to identify components that need replacing. The result? No more costly machine failures, and maximum production output.
Avantra also notifies the smart factory of any critical system alarms. So even with multiple shift changes, round the clock IT support isn't required.
Instead, a simple 'on call' service stops team fatigue and saves SEW EURODRIVE from wasted time and unnecessary cost. The time saved through Avantra automations is reinvested in furthering the predictive management in its Industry 4.0 production lines.
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